in-the-box kit review covers a small scale model of the 0-Series Sturmgeschütz
III, the prototype or experimental variant of the famous assault guns.
From my references I understand there were five produced and being
of mild steel were only used for crew training; they did not serve
in combat to my knowledge. I find it interesting that this model is
just included as an extra with a wargaming reference book; technically
it is not sold as a model kit. The book states on the cover "Free
collectable model kit inside".
We can tell a lot about a model from the box art: what we should get
in the box after assembly. Starting at the top we see several well
fed panzer crewmen; this looks to me like photos of war re-enactors
photo-shopped onto the painting of the vehicle. The upper hull appears
similar to the superstructure of the later StuG III Ausf. A and Ausf.
B. On the starboard pannier is a grab handle that we can reproduce
with brass wire on our model. On the fender we see the red tail light,
fender braces, storage box, and vehicle jack next to the crewman's
We see
what looks to be a whip antenna on the port side which I have a problem
with. German antennas were reported to be stiff hollow copper rods
which matches the reference photos, not whip antennas such as used
by the US. I understand that the horizontal wooden antenna trough
seen here was not installed on this pre-production model or on the
StuG III Ausf. A, but could have been added later in the life of the
On the
rear plate is a box with smoke candles and below are the two exhaust
mufflers. That appears to be a lot of exhaust smoke for a gasoline
The suspension
is where things are interesting. This is not the six-roadwheel-with-torsion-bar
suspension system we are used to with the StuG III Ausf. A through
Ausf. G. This vehicle is built on the chassis of the Panzer III Ausf.
B and has the same leaf spring suspension and eight roadwheels. The
sprocket drive wheel at the front looks the same as that on the early
short gun StuG. The rear idler wheel appears unique and not used on
the other StuG variants.
the book we have a 4-view color painting of the vehicle showing the
recommended color scheme of gray and the markings locations. At lower
right is the water-slide decal sheet. The markings consist of two
simple white Balkenkreuze for the side panniers, unit markings A and
B for the front driver's plate, and another small marking that is
supposed to go next to the driver's visor. The Balkenkreuz on the
decal sheet differs from that on the painting in not having a black
interior. Notice that the decal sheet item code number is IBG-WaW003:
another clue that this World at War kit is produced by IBG Models.
I disagree
with the portrayal of the roadwheel and return roller tires as black,
with weathering and the scale-effect they should be dark gray, not
black. Also, my references show the tools mounted on the fenders should
not be black but the vehicle color and perhaps with natural wood handles.
is a good overhead view of the engine deck which looks very different
from that on the StuG Ausf. A and later variants. In the front view
at the very bottom there is a direct gunsight opening set back behind
and over the driver's position. The gunsight opening is modeled closed
here, but we could cut it open.
Kit Parts
There is no parts diagram with the instructions. There is only one
model per box. I counted 22 gray, injection molded styrene plastic
parts on three sprues sealed within a plastic bag. No crew figures,
etched brass nor cast resin parts are included. The one-piece lower
hull appears slide molded allowing nice detail on the four hull sides.
A notation on the box implies that the World at War (WaW) kit is made
by IBG Models which would explain the sharp detail and good molding.
I've not assembled this or another World At War model kit so cannot
comment on the fit of the parts.
In this photo we see assembly similar to the Dragon and Trumpeter
Sturmgeschütz models: a separate superstructure (part-S1) that
is placed atop the upper hull (S7). At top center is the rod antenna
(part S4) which is a little thick. At far right center is the front
driver's armor plate (part S10) with the visor and two view holes,
the same as we find on the later StuG variants. The driver's visor
is modeled open. On the upper hull the tools are molded onto the fenders.
Below is a small sprue with the vehicle jack and several small headlights
(parts G1).
All the
crew and gunsight hatches on the superstructure are molded closed
but with careful work may be cut open and open hatches made with thin
styrene card. The tools are molded to the fenders. We can see a small
sinkhole dimple on the gun barrel (part S9).
of the two tracks and suspension pieces (parts J8 and J9) are molded
as one piece with resulting lack of detail to the track and the road,
idler and sprocket wheels. The wheels should be pairs with an open
space between them for the track guide teeth. but they are molded
as just single really thick wheels. What I would have preferred is
if they molded just one half of the wheels to the track and mold the
outer wheels separate so they can look more like separate wheels with
a separation for the track guide teeth. The part quality looks very
crisp and with no significant flash or sinkholes so these tracks are
keeping the model from being a potential great display model. At upper
right are the two exhaust mufflers (J6 and J7).
I like
to compare things. The scan below compares the 1/72 StuG III Ausf.
A upper hull made by Dragon at far left, the WaW 0-Series in center,
and the Trumpeter StuG Ausf. B at far right.
in the upper hull and superstructure of the Ausf. A and the 0-Series
include the same basic shape, similar layout of the roof hatches,
panniers, placement of the tools on the fenders. The biggest differences
are the longer hull for the WaW hull and a very different engine deck.
The hatches and area in front of the WaW driver's position and the
engine deck are longer accounting for the longer hull and suspension,
and the brake access hatches are significantly larger in size as well.
From my references this larger front deck matches the photos and vehicle
plans but unfortunately I have not found any reliable measurements.
In Doyle's vehicle plans the StuG 0-Series appears about 36 cm longer
than the StuG Ausf.A.
the gun mount opening we see the lack of the vertical armor plate
sticking up next to the driver's compartment. The driver's roof lacks
the small stepped armor roof evident on the Ausf. A and Ausf. B; these
steps deflected bullets from entering the gunsight opening. The weld
seams for the armor plates should be scribed in. The WaW engine deck
has open ventilation grates not present on production variants of
the Sturmgeschütz.
At far
right of this scan is the one-piece track and wheels compared to the
one-piece track and roadwheel parts from the Dragon StuG III Ausf.
A kit. Modell Trans Modelbau produces a replacement set in resin discussed
at the end of this review.
On page 16 of the accompanying book, the kit instructions are the
exploded view style with clear parts numbers. Both the gun barrel
muzzle and the exhaust pipes are slide-molded open, so there is no
need to drill them. With a sharp blade we should be able to open up
one or two of the rectangular hatches, but then we will be stuck with
building some interior fixtures.
Above is a page out of the history book showing one of the quality
historical photos and the English and German narrative covering vehicle
development and use. Looking at the photo we see the circular hatches
on the bow plate which allowed maintenance of the brakes or transmission.
On the hull mounting of the sprocket are three triangular braces and
the tow attachments and headlights. Notice the small grab handles
on the armored headlight covers. These are not the same headlights
as included in this model kit.
Up on
the driver's plate we see the armored driver's visor characteristic
of the StuG, Pz III and the Pz IV. Above the visor are the two episcope
holes for the driver when the armored visor is closed. In the center
is the short 7.5-cm StuK 37 gun characteristic of the StuG Ausf. A
through the Ausf. E. A noticeable difference between this prototype
vehicle is the sloped driver's roof going up to the gunsight window
left (our right) of the gun; on production StuGs this armored roof
area had many steps that acted to deflect bullets from entering the
gunsight opening.
This model is the only small scale model of this particular rare vehicle
I have found, so it is a must for someone collecting small scale Sturmgeschütz
models. The model is well done for what appears to be one geared toward
the wargaming market. The one-piece wheels-track sets is a big weakness
for the display modeler, but a plus for the wargamer.
Trans produces an aftermarket resin track set (MT72472) to replace
the kit suspension that looks very nice. This set is for the World
at War Pz. III Ausf.B and the StuG III 0-Serie kits. This track set
could kick this model up to a great display model. My track set is
still on order so I cannot comment further on it.
model was purchased by the reviewer. No animals were hurt in the writing
of this model review. This model and review is dairy, nut and gluten
Panzer Tracts No. 8 Sturmgeschuetz, Thomas Jentz & Hilary Doyle,
The World
At War Book 3, Sturmgeschütz III 0 Serie, (2018)
at War kits can be purchased from