is my first product from the cooperative effort between
RetrokiT-GB and OKB Grigorov, and I guarantee it won't be
the last. It's a pretty straight forward set: five
replacement wheels for the IBG Bedford QL truck models.
Granted, the wheels that come in IBG are pretty darned
good themselves; some of the best wheels I've seen in
plastic. But there were several different tread patterns
seen on the Bedford trucks, and these two cooperating
firms have provided sets for three of them. This set
previewed here is the 'Palm' pattern. The resin
replacement wheels were based on the original wheels from
the kit, so the wheel is the same with only the rubber
tire being new. The total diameter of the tire is
unchanged from the kit tire, so this will be a straight
up replacement with no modification needed. The quality of the molding and
casting is exceptional, and there were no blemishes in my
set, other than a little bit of paper thin flash that can
easily be scraped away. Very nice set.
