Early war Panzers are mostly
neglected by injection plastic manufacturers and the situation is
not much different for Germany's first tank-building effort after
the rupture with the Versaille Treaty:
the Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. A.
For those eager to add this tiny vehicle to
their collection, Modell Trans brings us this resin kit.
It has five major parts:
- The lower hull, with a decent interior. Sadly,
the only way this is going to be seen is through the turret hatch,
unless one choses to open up the hull hatch, which is a major undertaking.
It seems to me that a part of the drive shaft linking the engine
to the differential is missing, but this is easy enough to build
from scratch. An instrument panel is provided, but the levers that
allow the driver to point the vehicle in the right direction are
missing. Minor scratchbuilding will again solve this problem. The
sides of the hull have elements of the suspension cast on them,
like the front shock aborber. The bottom will need some cutting
and sanding to get rid of the "carrot".
- The upper hull. The turret ring is open,
allowing a look through the turret into the hull. Most equipment
is molded onto this hull, like the muffler and tools. The parts
of the superstructure that hang over the mudguards are solid, which
explains why opeining op the hull hatch on the left side would be
a major undertaking.
- Right suspension unit. Cast as one piece.
Mine is slightly warped, but detail is quite good. Some flash will
need to be removed.
- Left suspension unit. As above.
- Turret. Very nicely done. Some cleanup is
required. After removing the flash from the bottom of the turret,
you can see through it into the hull. Unfortunately no other detail
is provided in the turret, which is solid apart from the "shaft"
below the hatch. Thus, if you leave the hatch open you will be able
to see into the hull, but will also notice that the turret is mostly
solid. If you add a figure you wil hide the lack of detail in the
turret, but will lose sight of the hull. The brave and diligent
can always hollow out the turret and spruce it up with some sundry
Apart from these larger parts there are small
parts are for the rear mudflaps, turret hatch, MGs, horn, a ventilation
pipe (?), headlights, tow hooks and two unidentified parts.
Detail is generally very good, but the carrots
will need some care and quite a number of air bubbles will have to
be filled. No decals are provided and the manual is limited to a five-view
drawing, which, I guess, is sufficient if you have a modicum of documentation
about this vehicle.
