a companion set to 72051, which only
contains Stielhandgranate (and Geballte Ladungen), this set offers
a lower number of grenades, but a large amount of boxes. The 14 grenades
are identical to those in 72051,
so I will not discuss them here in any detail.
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The boxes
that you get are the following:
- 5
boxes for 15 Stielhandgranate 24.
Dimensions of the real box are: 54cm x 39cm x 17cm, while the resin
piece measures 7.9mm x 5.5mm x 2.6mm, corresponding to 57cm x 40cm
x 17cm. More than close enough for me.
- 5
wooden boxes for 30 Eihandgranate 39. This type of grenade is not
included in this set.
The only box for 30 Eihandgranate 39 for which I found any reference
was this
one, but that's clearly another type, so I cannot give any assessment
for this item.
- 5
wooden boxes for 15 Stielhandgranate 43, which are indistinguishable
from Stielhandgranate 24 in this scale.
The only box for Stielhandgranate 43 for which I found any reference
was this
one, but that's clearly another type, so I cannot give any assessment
for this item.
- 5
boxes for 30 Gewehr Sprenggranaten. This type of grenade is
not included in this set.
Dimensions of the real box are: 42cm x 15cm x 18cm, while the resin
piece measures 6.1mm x 2.4mm x 2.5mm, corresponding to 43.9cm x
17.3cm x 18.0cm.
Something that is not easily seen in the pictures, is that the handle
is actually cast as a extremely thin resin strip that stands proud
of the rest of the box. I have no idea how JK Resin pulls off this
trick !
- 5
boxes for 24 Nebelhangranate 41, which are indistinguishable
from Stielhandgranate 24 in this scale, but should have a white
band painted on the handle. (Note that I wrote "wooden",
even though Wehrmachts-Kisten
says "metal", as the box in the picture looks more wooden
to me.)
Dimensions of the real box are: 48cm x 20cm x 18cm, while the resin
piece measures 7.0mm x 2.9mm x 2.7mm, corresponding to 50.4cm x
20.9cm x 19.4cm.
- 5
boxes for 15 SS
Panzer Hand Minen. This type of grenade is not included in this
Dimensions of the real box are: 53cm x 45cm x 11cm, while the resin
piece measures 7.5mm x 6.2mm x 1.8mm, corresponding to 54cm x 44.7cm
x 13.0cm.
While JK Resin often gives open boxes, in this set
they are all closed. I also hope that JK Resin will release a second
set of grenade boxes, as a very common metal
type, for instance, is not included.
A trademark of JK Resin is the inclusion of decals for the stenciling
of the boxes. All lettering seems nicely done and is readable, even
in this tiny scale. (The white not so much, but that's more due to
the low contrast with the blue backing paper.)
clearly a perfectly executed set from JK Resin, with a lot of diorama
potential. If now we could only get more different types of boxes
and grenades.
[1] Sturmpanzer,
Panzer Tracts 8-1, H.L. Doyle, L. Friedli, T.L. Jentz
sample kindly provided by JK Resin.
JK Resin
kits can be purchased from