Ammunition boxes and canisters abound from many various manufacturers. For the most part they tend to be rather generic. This set is
specific to the 8.8cm KwK43 L/71 gun, the primary armament on the Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf. B Tiger II and the 8.8cm PaK 43 or 8.8cm PaK43/41 anti-tank guns.
According to the stencilling the boxes would also be appropriate to use with the Nashorn/Hornisse (8.8cm PaK43/1 gun), Ferdinand/Elefant (8.8cm PaK43/2 gun) and
the Jagdpanther (8.8cm PaK43/3 gun), as well as a pedestal mounted PaK43/3 gun in a static position.
As the title suggests only ammunition
boxes are in this set. No rounds are included. There are two types of canister, cylindrical metal versions and the ubiquitous rectangular wooden box. Each type has a count of
eight pieces. Two of the cylindrical canisters have open ends, with separate end caps. All are finely cast with exquisite detail, especially evident with the paper
thin walls of the open ended metal cannisters and the latches found on both container types. All pieces have finely molded carrying handles. Needless to say, the
open ended cannisters will require some careful handling to not collapse the walls.

A nice touch,
and one that other manufacturers would be wise to follow, is the inclusion of a decal sheet with the required stencilling as seen in [1] & [2]. The decals are minute
and well printed. They should give that extra bit of realism to the ammo boxes.
A small instruction sheet provides painting and decal placement options.
Again using references [1] & [2], and employing my ancient dial calipers I present the following data.
Wood Box | Real Measurement[2] | 1/72 scale | Kit Measurement |
Length | 124.0cm / 48.82in | 1.72cm / 0.68in | 0.69in |
Width | 19.0cm / 7.48in | 0.26cm / 0.10in | 0.12in |
Height | 18.0cm / 7.09in | 0.25cm / 0.10in | 0.115in |
Metal Tube | Real Measurement[1] | | |
Length | 123.5cm / 48.62in | 1.72cm / 0.68in | 0.69in |
Diameter | 16.5cm / 6.50in | 0.23cm / 0.09in | 0.10in |
As you can see, the parts are almost bang on for length, though a small fraction over scale (to a maximum of 0.02in) for the width, height and diameter. Not a major
issue as far as I'm concerned. Detail is outstanding and the casting is flawless. I still can not believe how thin the walls are on the open end of the two metal
canisters in the set. I definitely recommend this set for anyone wishing that extra degree of realism with their gun or tank model.
[1] (metal tube variant)
[2] (wood box variant)
[3] Encyclopedia of German Tanks of World War Two, revised edition, Peter Chamberlain & Hilary Doyle, Arms and Armour Press, New York 1993 ISBN: 1-85409-214-6
[4] Hitler's Fortresses: German Fortifications and Defences 1939-45, Chris McNab (ed.), Osprey Publishing, Oxford/New York 2014 ISBN: 978 1 78200 828 6
[5] wikipedia
Preview sample supplied by Jiří Kremer of JK Resin.

Note the paper thin walls of the open ended cylindrical containers!

Beautifully rendered latches on the cylindrical containers.

Beautifully rendered latches as well on the boxes.

A shot of the carrying handle detail.
JK Resin products are available at