This set consists of two
sheets, of 5.75-cm x 7.75-cm and 5.25-cm and 7.75-cm in size. The
sheets are paper thin resin that is very easy to cut to shape. It
can be attached using a variety of glues; a slower curing glue allows
more time to get it in place. I have had good fortune with slow-drying
cyanocrylate (super glue). I have used this and etched brass Zimmerit
and favor this medium over the brass. To represent battle-damaged
Zimmerit it can be easily cut and chipped. I estimate there is enough
zimmerit to cover one AFV with some leftover, depending on the vehicle
This is the "Standart Muster" style of 1/72 scale Zimmerit
coating for German AFVs consisting of horizontal ridges in vertical
columns. This appears to be the most common style of Zimmerit used
and applied in the factory. Based on some research this pattern was
used on the Panzer III, Panzer IV, Panzerjager IV, StuG III, Sturmpanzer
IV, Jagdpanther, Panzer V Panther, and Tiger Ausf. E and Ausf. B.
For further information on Zimmerit I recommend the following website:
