MAN ML 4500 S 4X2 GS Truck
Manufacturer: Art-Toys Modelbouw Belgium (# GER 004) or Wespe (# 72008)
Preview by Faustnik - jmqtv(at)
What you Get:
Another excellent addiction to the WW2 truck fraternity so I only could thanks Art-Toys for this incursion on small/braille scale.
As with the MAN F4, my first impression was a very good one, as the level of detail is indeed very good. But also here, the A4 sheet presented as assembly directions let this model down. It gives generalist indication of the location and orientation of some of the kit parts, giving a picture of unassembled and 4 views of an assembled model, with numbers giving the global location of the parts. As always, it pays to have some references, about this truck (which I haven't), or you could end with a "hornet nest on hands".
Some of the parts are identical to the ones from the MAN F4 - front lights, seats, so on - which will be normal, with trucks from the same producer.
Some of the pieces have some flash, so some care is needed, removing these, as also with heavy resin blocks associated with the casting process.
In my case, the model have no air bubbles present, but warping was present, easily corrected using a hot air source, like an airdryer.
As far as scale and detail accuracy is concern, I do not have a lot of info about this particular model, only 2 photos. In this case, I hope that Art-Toys has done all the research, and that the model is accurate.
Another good model, but one that I only recommend to an experienced modeller, due to the problems in assembling using the sketchy instructions. On the positive side, this is another truck that most probably will not be produced by a mainstream plastic producer. It's expensive, but some of the "limited production runs" plastic models, are indeed at the same price, and in some, their quality…
Recommended, for those without fear ...
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