Decals for 19 vehicles.
All are vehicles used by the Soviets, unless otherwise stated:
- Sd.Kfz.251 Ausf.C. Oryol, June '43.
- Sd.Kfz.251 Ausf.D. Warsaw Uprising, Polish forces. August '44.
- Sd.Kfz.250 "Alt". 13th (Polish) Self-propelled Artillery
Regt, Germany, April-May 1945.
- Panther Ausf. A "503". Warsaw, August '44.
- Panther Ausf. A "513". Warsaw, August '44.
- Panther Ausf. A "518". Warsaw, August '44.
- Panther Ausf. G "Pudel". Warsaw Uprising, Polish forces.
August '44.
- Hummel "53". Hungary, March '45.
- Hummel "41". Hungary, March '45.
- Steyr RSO. 4th (Polish) Independent Heavy Tank Regiment
- Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. E "04". 107th Independent Tank Battallion,
July '42. It seems turret numbers have been swapped with the Panzer III below.
- Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf. G "08". 107th Independent Tank Battallion,
July '42. According to the pictures I have, turret number 08 was the PzIV Ausf.E mentioned above. The Panzer III, actually an Ausf. J, bore number 04.
- Marder III. Oryol, 1943.
- Pz.Kpfw.38(t). Western Front (???), July '42.
- StuG III Ausf. E. Independent Cie captured tanks. Western Front
(???), March '42.
- StuG III Ausf. E. Independent Cie captured tanks. Western Front
(???), March '42.
- StuG III Ausf. E. Independent Cie captured tanks. Western Front
(???), March '42.
- StuG III Ausf. G. 5th Guard Armoured Brigade, Ukrainian Front, September
- Hetzer "Chwat". Warsaw Uprising, Polish forces. August
A fairly complete manual with (mostly) 2-view
drawings and color guide is given; colors are for the Agama range.
Decals are printed on individual carrier film, are in perfect register
and are sharply printed.
