Zil-157 Soviet Cargo Truck "Karaul"
Manufacturer: Omega-K (#7205) or ICM (#72541)
By Fath. VALERIAN, Orthodox Priest, Age of 34.
The Truck
Even in 80's this truck was used in Soviet Army, because of its great safety. But the obsolescence of design (at first, lack of drive hydro-amplifier) forced it to be used in these years for secondary tasks on short range. However today, “Zakhar” (the nickname of ZiL-157) also can be seen in farm service or as wrecking service unit.
The Model
This model I made in original colors. It was painted in authentic Soviet Army Green - 4BO, plus some white for “scale lighting”. There is no good equivalent color from Humbrol or Revell. So, as basic color of soviet vehicles I always use the nitro-paint from “big army canteen” (diluted & filtered, of course!).
Decal is from YuMTK BTR-70 (decal is the only one that can be used from this mutant-model). Red-white strip & «K» markings mean GUARD (russ. -“karaul”). Vehicles with these marks were used for relieving the guards on the far distance guard-points. This marking is the authorization to come nearer to secured area without any problems. The observation headlight was mounted at the top-right of cabin near the door. The place near the driver was used for guard commander or sergeant of the relief.
Note: the guard vehicles are always very clean, without any mud or dust - washing is the non-official obligation of alert relief. (As a punishment even with soap!)
Direct this “apparatus” I see myself in 1985-1987 during my army service, in GSWG (Soviet Army Group in Germany) Sperenberg garrison (south from Berlin).
Note: The model in the photo is “in progress”. Now tent and belt-door at rear side are made. Rear dust-shields are glued. When I make photo & scan it - I send it.
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