As expected, all styrene kits and the aftermarket resin and brass accessories have their good, their bad, and their ugly points to them. The AER kit has a lot of accuracy problems but is still a reasonable representation and may be perfect for a wargamer or particular modeler. The LEVA turrets have the best texture and casting marks, though the 1944 turrets should have longer gun barrels. With Eastern Express’ and Revell’s new releases, the market for the AER kit and the aftermarket conversions may slump. Still, plastic EE and Revell kits may need work in correcting the casting texture.
My Perfect T-34-85? If there is such a thing, my perfect T-34-85 (using all the available kits and aftermarket parts I have personally examined) would consist of: a LEVA turret with an ARMO aluminum 85-mm gun barrel, and an ARMO or Eastern Express or Revell cupola. A must is the PART or Eduard etched brass frets with replacement hatches. For the hull I would chose the Revell or Eastern Express kit with perhaps the AlBy or Resin Master replacement wheels depending on the particular T-34 model.
I thank Doug Chaltry, Dave Showell, Adam Wilder, Ivan Podgornov, Andrey Cheremisken, Philip Van Acker of Tracks-n-Troops, and Hugh Evans for their assistance with this article and with acquiring the different kits to review.
Here are some photos of the T-34-85s in storage at Aberdeen Proving Ground.
There is a good amount of information out there on the T-34 tank. Much of the older writings appear to have much incorrect data and assumptions so please examine all references with a questioning eye.
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