A better Warrior (other) by Simon Barnes

Other modifications made

This section is not so much about the mods needed to make a better Warrior, although a few are applicable, it is more to give hints and ideas for those who want to detail further, and will look at the Uparmoured Warrior, MRCV, MSTAR, Command Post, Milan and various other Warrior variants in service, as well as building an interior. Although most of these are available from CMSC as sets for the basic kit, each are not without their problems.

One thing to note for the more adventurous of you, is that if you plan to build an interior, and there are many good photo's on the web to help you achieve this, you will need to remove some plastic from the hull tub before attaching the track units, this is because the hull tub takes up internal space, which would make the interior too narrow. this is one of the problems with the PDI interior, to try and regain the illusion of space, PDI have made the seats very narrow, for anyone but a midget to sit on. The following photo show where the plastic needs to be removed from, the forward portion is for the driver.

After the suspension units have been glued to the hull, the side walls for the troop compartment can be added, the walls should be at an angle and not vertical as in the kit, Once the suspension units have set, the top edge of the units can be cut back, so that the hull sides can be angled without them encroaching on the hull floor. Another detail that needs to be added are the housings for the torsion bars that rise up from the hull floor, this was done with plastic channel, the position can be determined from the underside of the hull from the rear two sets of road wheels, bearing in mind that the channel needs to cove the front of one side to the rear of the opposite side suspension housings.

A top view.

View from the rear.


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