Recently Zvezda has released a number of wargaming
oriented kits that are suitable for display modeling as well, such
as their T-34-76 kit
that is very nicely detailed and has simple yet admirable separate
band tracks. This is one of their figure kits, one of several sets
concentrating on German and Soviet figures. Also available are German
and Soviet machine gun teams and German infantry, all World War 2
The box top acts as a painting guide and inspiration; I like the painting.
The figures in the kit reasonably match the poses here in the box
art: advancing riflemen, riflemen standing firing and a leader/officer
holding a PPSh sub machine gun. The helmets appear to be olive green
and the uniforms a light khaki color. The rifleman at far left has
short boots with puttees or leggings; the officer/sergeant at right
has pull-on black leather boots.
The set also comes with two wargaming
playing cards for a tactical game called Operation Barbarossa 1941.
See the website
for more information.
The box comes with two identical sprues of green, injection-molded
styrene hard plastic. We have two firing riflemen, a standing officer
figure, and two riflemen with fixed bayonets (what did your mother
tell you about running with scissors and fixed bayonets?!). Each figure
comes with an individual base, or all figures can be mounted on one
large base around a flag andflagpole. [There are no decal markings
for the flag; I presume the flagpole is for moving the cluster of
figures around the wargaming board.]
The figures look well proportioned
and in scale, they don’t have the dwarfish look. All figures
are molded in one piece unlike many Preiser figures. Molding in one
piece like this makes compromises in detail necessary.
The figures appear competently sculpted and molded. The hard styrene
has the advantage of allowing thin, delicate parts like the rifles
that stay straight and true. Many paints also adhere better to hard
styrene than to flexible polyurethane figures.
My personal assessment is that this is a nice set of figures ideal
for wargaming the WW2 Eastern Front and that has some use in a display
diorama or vignette. For a display diorama modeler a wider variety
of figures would be good. Facial and body details are a little soft
compared to the best styrene and resin figures from Preiser and Millicast,
Considering the detail, cost per set, and number of figures in each
set I believe that a good soft plastic set of 40 to 50 figures, such
as from Revell and Pegasus is more cost effective for a wargamer.