
(photograph via Value Gear)
This accessory set contains 37 pieces cast in a light grey resin. Inside the packaging are 26 individual tarps and 11 tarp/crate combinations. The shortest tarp
measures a mere 0.38 inches while the longest is 0.96 inches. No two are alike so there is plenty of variety to choose from. The tarp/crate combinations are a nice
touch. Stapled to the inside of the cardboard header is a small instruction sheet with tips on surface preparation, gluing, painting, bending and how to remove
old paint.

(photograph via Value Gear)
I inspected each of the tarps and not one exhibited any air bubbles or casting flaws. They all look very good and exhibit nice detail especially at the ends where
you can see the individual folds and creases (see above photograph). Some of the tarps have the straps molded directly onto the piece, some do not, so you will probably want to add your
own straps or belts for these. Flash is pretty much non-existent.
These tarps actually remind me very much of the scratch built versions I've made from rolled 2-part epoxy putty.
As for the tarp/crate combos, these fall just a bit short of the individual tarp pieces. Some flaws are evident with a few air bubbles/pin holes found in some of the
crates. While none of the holes should be difficult to fill, I would guess that sanding will remove some of the excellent wood grain effect cast onto the sides.
All in all this is a nice set to have in your spares box. They will give the modeller a variety of different looking tarps, and tarp/crate combos, that should
bring to life any model or diorama they are added to. I find the realism of the tarps to be much better than the all too symmetrical offerings by other manufacturers,
for example CMK.
Preview sample supplied by Steve Munsell of Value Gear.