kit is typical of the T-34 series that UM offers us these days.
The sprue
for the lower hull is the same in most (all?) T-34 based kits from
UM, although there are minor differences.
This sprue is marked "325", and in my opinion is the same
as in kit 325, and almost the
same as in kit 251 (marked as "327"),
apart from the hull MG, which has a shield in this kit but not in
the latter. The bump stops are also slightly different between kits
251 and this one.
that, oddly,
- kit 325 has sprue 325;
- kit 327 has sprue 325;
- kit 251 has sprue 327.

Top: sprue from this kit;
bottom: sprue from kit 251;
As you
can see, the kit comes with the rounded fenders associated with early

The sprue for the upper hull.
The lower
hull assembles the way most (all ?) UM T-34 based kits do, with separate
tyre rims (which is nice if you trust the rubber) and separate swing
arms, which allow for more dynamical poses with little extra effort.
I haven't researched the accuracy of the kit in any detail yet, but
looking at the manual, I am somewhat surprised that UM asks to fit
the sharp hull nose. My references would have me believe this specific
variant of the T-34 had the rounded nose. There is no need to wallow
in despair however, as the rounded nose is included as well.

Above: the sprues for the wheels and tracks in some of the UM T-34
based kits I have. (Each kit comes with two of these sprues). As you
can see, the layout is basically the same, but there are quite a number
of differences. This kit comes with rubber-tyred "solid"

Two rubber "sprues" are included for the tyres and tow cables.
While these have the advantage of making it easier to represent a
vehicle with burnt-out wheels, I have some misgivings about the concept.
Even more so as, reputedly, the rubber will eat into the plastic of
the kit. I am not convinced about the tow-cables either.
The turret sprue is marked UM329E, which would correspond to a T-34/76
Model 1941. I know I can't trust these numbers, but I am still surprised,
as this is clearly a sprue for a D-5T armed T-34/85.
I've made an elementary assembly of the turret on the right. Note
that both hatches can be opened (as can the hull hatch). The turret
is very smooth, which is very a-typical. I noticed that it is all
too easy to insert gun rotor upside down. The absence of any type
of locating pegs for the turret doesn't make assembly any easier.
The plastic is quite soft; those who like to use MEK in liberal quantities
risk ruining some of the smaller details.
The regular
small, but thick, PE set, included in almost all T-34 (based) kits
from UM:

The engine mesh is supposed to be placed on top of the engine deck,
which I don't think will look too good.

Last three pictures from Henk
of Holland website, used with permisison.
You get
three marking options:
- 1th Ukranien [sic] front, Spring 1944. Overall green.
- South-Western Front, Winter 1944. Overall white. "Dimitrii
- 1th Mechanized Corps, 1st Byelorussian Front, Spring 1945. Overall
