of my most anxiously awaited accessories, this is also
one of the most disappointing. In the scan above, the
turned brass barrel from RB Model is shown on the top,
above the plastic barrel from the Roden 234/2 Puma model.
You can see the size differences. The Roden barrel is
mostly correct, and the RB barrel is much too large and
over scale. Very disappointing, as it looks to be a
beautiful piece, with a smooth surface and gorgeous
muzzle brake (which comes as a separate part; it is
attached to the gun barrel in the above scan). I used this barrel on my Italeri
Puma model. I replaced the Italeri gun mantlet with the
Roden piece, carved to a more realistic shape, and then
inserted the RB gun barrel from the rear, so that most of
the barrel is hidden within the mantlet, and only the
straight portion is visible outside. This makes the total
length of the barrel much closer to correct, however the
change in barrel taper that you can see on the above
piece is no longer visible. Although I think this is an
acceptable work-around to the size problem of the RB
barrel, it's unfortunate that I had to do it.
