all-round vision commander’s cupola, along with the 3-person
turret was a significant reason for the success of the German Panzers
over allied tanks with thicker armor, bigger guns and greater numbers.
The vision cupola with hatch on top, as well as not being encumbered
as acting as loader and/or gunner, allowed the commander greater situational
awareness. The turrets for both the Panzer III and the Panzer IV were
designed and built by Krupp which I believe explains why the turrets
look so similar and use the same cupola.
- Here
is a close-up of the commander cupola parts designed for both the
Panzerkampfwagen III and the PzKpfw IV. This only shows three of
the four cupolas included as one of them is being used. The cast
resin parts are sold in a small plastic bag.
- This
represents a cupola used on early Pz. III and Pz IV’s. The
label states it was used on the Pz. III Ausf. C, D, E and Ausf.
F, and the Pz IV Ausf. B, C and Ausf. D. The 1/72 scale model kits
I believe these cupolas would be appropriate for include: the World
At War Pz IV Ausf. B kit 008 and Pz IV Ausf. D kit 09, Mirage Models
Pz IV Ausf. B kit 72852 and Pz IV Ausf. D kit 72853,
- Panzer
III model kits this cupola would be suitable for include Attack
models Panzer III Ausf. E kit 72826 and Panzer III Ausf. F kit 72825,
First To Fight Pz.Bef.Wg III Ausf. D kit 75, and Pz III Ausf. D
kit 73.
- There
are four sets of three cupola parts for a total of 12 cast resin
parts, enough cupolas for four Panzers. Casting quality and detail
appear very good. Not only is there good detail on the cupola exterior
but the cupola interior has details of the vision blocks and brow
pads. I noted no bubbles or distorted pieces. There is some thin
flash to clean off.
- This
early style cupola has the split, 2-part, hatch. It has a distinctly
different look than the later cupolas. I understand that as the
vehicle was up-armored the cupola armor was increased which explains
the changes.
- My
assessment is that this would be a great addition to help turn a
decent gaming model into a good display model and historical miniature.
I am impressed with the detail and molding quality of OKB Grigorov
This accessory was purchased by the modeler.
Grigorov products are available at