Jag 6 (Jag 10) with AA 37mm gun
Also known as YaG 10 and Yagio
Manufacturer: Legato Armour, Medelova, Czech Republic
by Stephen Brezinski
Vehicle Information for the Modeler
While German WW2 era softskin models are bounteous, other than the AER/PST Zis-5 Soviet trucks and auto models of the period are rather sparse. This a refreshing and interesting release.
The kit consists model of a 6x4 (six wheels on three axles and four wheel drive out of the six wheels) 1930’s era cargo truck labeled Jag 6, though my references indicate that the 6x4 version of this truck was named the Jag 10. [The actual Jag 6 (or YaG 6) was a 5-ton capacity 4x2 truck under essentially the same truck body & cab.] Based on my two credible references I will refer to this kit herein as a Jag 10. This truck, like its 4x2 cousins, was powered by a Zis 6-cylander engine of 73 bhp. It replaced the similar Jag-4 truck. The Jag was notably larger than the Zis-6 and Gaz-AA trucks. A very interesting variation of the Jag 10 I would love to see mounts a 76-mm AA gun on the bed.
The Soviet 37-mm AA gun is very similar to the Bofors 40-mm and I understand is derived from the Bofors 20-mm AA gun.
Kit Description
The truck kit consists of thirty (30) well cast amber and light gray resin parts. No clear windshield material provided or white metal parts. The 37-mm AA gun is green injected-molded styrene from PST’s towed AA gun and Zis-42 SP AA kits. Clean-up of the resin parts appear not difficult with a razor-saw, No. 11 blade, sanding stick and sandpaper. The detail is very good including the woodgrain bed and wheels. The most difficult part of clean-up appears to be a poor-plug to cut off the engine/hood piece.
I would rate this as one of the better resin manufacturers of resin softskin models. Cab interior details are included. This model is also sold alone without the AA gun as a normal cargo truck. No canvas tarp is included (commonly not seen on Soviet trucks of the period). I did not check scale consideration but it appears to be 1/72 scale; following assembly we can check for sure if important.
The injection molded 37-mm AA gun is very well done with many parts, and is delicately cast. You will have to hollow out the gun muzzle. Unfortunately no ammunition boxes are included. If you wish to just model a cargo truck this gun could be transferred to perhaps the Airfix S-boat model?
Instructions are two pages and incorporate a series of exploded-view diagrams showing the step-by-step assembly of the truck and 37-mm gun. The kits are much better than the typical resin kit in this scale and should make assembly much easier for a novice builder.
Markings & Painting
One tiny decal sheet came with my model featuring a six digit number though it may be presumed that it may also have carried a vehicle number on the cab doors that may be taken from a PST or AER Zis truck model kit. Color would be standard Soviet green though I understand that this could vary from forest green to olive drab. Interior color would be the exterior green or cream color. I suspect these trucks were for heavy logistics and not used in the front lines as much as the Zis so would be less likely sport camouflage? Being produced from 1936 to 1942 this vehicle can be modeled in Soviet or Axis use.
This appears to be a very nice scale model suitable for experienced modelers and because of the good instructions also suitable for modelers new to resin kits. This is a truck kit that Doug Chaltry would find awesome.
The Observers Fighting Vehicles Directory, by Bart H Vanderveen (1969). A superb small book packed with photos and information on hundreds of allied and axis softskin vehicles of the WW2 period. Unfortunately out of print.
http://www.autogallery.org.ru/yaaz.htm Oldtimer Gallery website from Russia. A notable resource of trucks and autos with heavy collection of WW2 era vehicles. A must visit for aficionados of trucks and logistics.
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