This, to E.T. standards,
medium-sized PE set is meant for the Dragon King Tiger with Henschel
turret. The manual adds that it is for kit 7240,
but I see no reason why it would not work for kit 7246.
(These are, respectively, the kit with and without Zimmerit.) Some
parts might even be used for a King Tiger with Porsche turret or
King Tigers from other kit manufacturers.
What does this E.T. sheet give you
- Various fittings, clamps, lift hooks and handles. These will definitely
improve the kit parts.
- Tools. I've never been convinced by PE tools, except perhaps for
a wrench or tow shackle. Items like a shovel will, in my opinion,
always look too flat. The multipart extinguisher and jack will be
difficult to assemble, and I am not sure if the result will look
better than the kit part.
- Tow cable.
- Periscopes and covers. I should check how this works out, but
they should look better than the kit part, which is just a solid
- Fenders and attachments. If you manage to fold them correctly,
they will look great and will make it very easy to simulate battle
- Grills for about everything that needs them on the engine deck.
Dragon gives four of them in the base kit. E.T. Gives nine grills
and optional armour plates to go over them if you so desire. This
will definitely enhance the kit.
- MG mount, ring sight and ammo. These look good, apart from the
ammo, which is too flat.
- Umbrella-type antenna (Sternantennen) for those who would like
to build a Befehlspanzer.
- Separate hangers for the spare tracks on the turret. (These are
integrated with the spare tracks in kit 7240.)
- Quite a number of other sundry bits, including workable hinges.
- A plate with "King Tiger Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf. B 1944-1945"
which will look great on a display stand.
In all, a sheet with potential, including parts that are within
reach of every modeler with basic PE-experience and some parts to
raise the bar for others.
When I get round building one of my King Tiger kits, I will give
it a try and tell you more.
Sample kindly provided by John Wreford of Cove Models Ltd.